Without scientific research there is no future.

EcoPannel was born in 1999 as appendix of Michele Ruggiero's construction company, committed since 1968 with the field of construction and restoration, his son Pasquale decides to innovate commercial proposal inventing a new versatile product with a reduced environmental impact.
Our coatings are cement products coloured with natural oxides, it's a material born to answer to the difficulty of Ruggiero's family company to restore stone works. After his Engeneering Graduation, Pasquale propose to his father to innovate the company with a revolutionar idea: "My enthusiasm of as young graduate met the big availability of my father who supported my research of a new solution and it allowed me to practice some ideas that I already had during my studies at the university. Aldo the name Ecopannel was born by a family's comparison: our target was to communicate a product with a reduced environmental impact, an alternative element to the natural stone that can reproduce its beauty and versatility reducing at same time costs and impact on ecosystem. Then, Ecopietra (our special stone) gives to users a very big choiseof forms and techical solutions with a big resistance to mechanical stresses and chemical and atmospheric agents"
Ecopannel company Ruggiero has patented and registered all products at Economical Progress Ministry proposing its solutions all over Italy: "We work in Italy with a remarkable economic market because we have an innovative product. In 2011 we had a comparison with others realities and we took part to SAIE in Bologna for the first time, we thought to be behind others companies of this area but during the fair we understood we were very competitive and we had many compliments by our competitors! To realize our product it needs time and big investments not only about money;a compliment, a human thanksgiving, a spur, they are for us the fuel to go on expeditiously".

Between 2004 and 2009 the company had nearly 16 workers, with economic crisis we reduced them but out target in 2013 is to heve that workers again, building a new establishment and proposing our product to large distribution and public entities. "We are extending our production to consolidate the activity; we live a restrictive economic phase but we are strong and with commitment and courage we'll go on in this difficult historical period. Our people is our most important resource, we have a daily comparison with our workers and we try to delegate them activities and ti empower them because our product needs passion and creativity as well as technical expertise". Ecopietra is a new material but the company continues to high quality levels and it's interested to Innovation Basilicata's projects: "We collaborate with Basilicata's Innovation casually, after reading a Potenza Confindustria's document; at that time we were lookung for something who allowed us to research because we had no big opportunities and thanks to Basilicata Innovation we use lighter materials that give us the possibility to work more. This confirmed that comparison and research are basic for every kind of company and that whithout research there's no future. In Basilicata companies have a lot of bureaucratic problems and long times but we aren't so many so we could be a united group to grow up together".
About Basilicata's future: "It reside in the past, when artisans had money and a big economy". About past and future: "No generation gap but generation help,after my Engeneering graduation I help my father's experience with my knowledge to create an innovative product. In the last years I had three children and I would like to work with them in our company. The first one alredy works here with his enthusiam and his passion and I teach him what my father teached to me: never stop to look forward".

Our company


EcoPannel Ruggiero certified ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and SOA produces since 2004 and it improved its system producing special products in their forms and quality. They are registered. Colours used are in cement,ecological and resistant to atmospheric agents but not pollutants and ecocatalytics.


Our company produce single ecopietra advantageous for installation because it's very light and fixable. It's coloured and it has natural dusting,different forms and colours. Everything is Made in Italy, materials and people.


All products are versatiles and they can be personalised in finishes and colours as requested by clients. All materials are natural in respect on laws and with a mix of concrete and welded mesh, after vibration, we realize resistant and durable panels.


Mounting is simple and quick; it's enough to mount the first panel in the right way. After preparing installation between two columns the first panel can be fixed with an anchorage then we put concrete's jet.

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©2022 EcoPannel - Ruggiero
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P.IVA: 00063620769

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Satriano di Lucania (PZ)
Telefono: 0975.383711
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